What is NANO Kremnevit
A 100% natural balanced complex of more than 72 different vitamins and minerals, the main purpose of which is to rehabilitate all body systems. It contains all the necessary macro- and microelements to boost immunity. The complex also includes silicon, one of the most important components required for the absorption of almost all vitamins and minerals.
What is NANO Kremnevit for
A supplement to the daily diet to normalize metabolism and cleanse the body of radionuclides and toxins. It protects our body from various harmful additives used in food production and polluted environment. It warns against various types of poisoning, boosts immunity, and allows you to live without diseases and synthetic drugs.

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Used for NANOkremnevit
- Cleansing and restoration of the balanced functioning of the main body systems - nervous, endocrine, immune, cardiovascular.
- Removal of salts of heavy metals and radionuclides, own decay products, chemical substances of unnatural origin from the body.
- Meeting human physiological needs for micro- and macronutrients, biologically active substances, vitamins and amino acids.
- Slowing down age-related changes in the body.
- Restoration of intestinal microflora and stabilization of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Normalization of metabolism - breakdown of fats, reduction of fat deposits, stabilization of lipid metabolism, reduction of cholesterol levels.
- The ability to improve collagen production, which creates elasticity in cartilage tissues, intervertebral discs, and skin.
- Optimizes the body's mineral and vitamin balance
- Is a powerful complex of antioxidants
- Regulates the main enzymatic and other reactions in the body, prevents the development of metabolic, immunodeficiency and other diseases of organs and systems
- Participates in the formation of skeletal bones, teeth, hair and nails
- Prevents calcium leaching from bones, improves blood coagulation, stimulates the adrenal cortex, inhibits histamine production
- Regulates hormonal activity

How long should I use it for?
How quickly are the results felt?
Are there any side effects?
Method of application
KREMNEVIT® offers a new approach to healthy lifestyle, consisting of two simple steps - cleansing the body at the cellular level and filling it with nutrients. Thus, the own mechanisms of bioregulation are activated, which contribute to the restoration of the body's protective functions and the balanced work of all its systems and organs. A similar principle is used by each of us, taking care of our body from the outside - we clean it with water and then protect it with clothing.
Composition NANOkremnevit
- Silicon oxide - up to 47%
- Magnesium oxide - up to 0,7%
- Iron oxide - up to 0.56%
- Calcium oxide - up to 0.51%
- Manganese oxide - up to 0,1%
- Sodium oxide - up to 0,15%
- Potassium oxide - up to 0.67%
In addition, the composition of the drug contains more than 65 macro-micronutrients that perform various functions to improve the human body. (They stabilize the nervous system, improve vision and skin condition, normalize sexual function, etc.)

Does not contain artificial ingredients, dyes and extracts
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